Nafeez Ahmed
A systems lens suggests a quarter of [USA's ] GDP could evaporate on a pathway to violent civil unrest, concentration camps, and genocidal violence that would be a free gift to Putin
The events of the last few years have demonstrated that the unthinkable can become mainstream, the fringe can become normal, at unprecedented speeds. The Musk-Trump plan is the fruition of a global network war aimed at tearing down the entire infrastructure of a viable democracy in the United States – and it would not stop there, but reverberate across the world in an effort to shore-up the global system and protect the interests of the most powerful as the ‘polycrisis’ intensifies. We should stop underestimating the risks, and start waking up to who is fighting this war and why.
Nafeez Ahmed is a systems theorist, change strategist and investigative journalist. He is the author of ALT REICH: THE NETWORK WAR TO DESTROY THE WEST FROM WITHIN which will be available in late November
“I think the fundamental message is that we are breaking from 30 years of flawed policy,” said a congressional aid familiar with the report.
“One doesn’t need to look far to see that every single president within the first few months of their administration, goes and meets with Putin.”
Strobe Talbott , 18 Jan. 2019: Whether he knows it or not, Trump is integral to Putin’s strategy to strengthen authoritarian regimes and undermine democracies around the world. This unprecedented aberration defiles what America stands for at home and abroad; it alienates and dispirits our allies; and—if it is allowed to persist—it will jeopardize our security.
Jacobin, Burgis: This electoral cycle, the Right has been talking nonstop about “the border,” painting an apocalyptic picture of an immigrant invasion threatening to plunge America into chaos. In the process, they’re revealing themselves as scapegoating pseudo-populists.
Nick Pemberton in Counterpunch, Aug 2018 : John McCain was a fierce Zionist, but such a trait is almost as American as apple pie. McCain, more than almost anybody else, pushed for more troops in Iraq. When George W. Bush caved and sent in 20,000 extra troops to Iraq in 2007, Democrats labeled the move “The McCain doctrine”. Americans even dumber than Bush II have begun to label Bush “reasonable”. The reasonable Bush talked of 50 years in Iraq, McCain raised him to 100. McCain was among the most enthusiastic advocates of war in Afghanistan as well. And like his buddy Barack across the aisle, he felt threatened by Libya’s success under Muammar Gaddafi. McCain’s virile posturing against Vladimir Putin has been just as eye-opening as Trump’s bromance with Putin.
It all smelled rotten when John McCain sided with those good ol’ American values and invited his brother from another party Barack Obama to speak at his funeral—presumably to spite Donald Trump. Politicians nowadays like to pretend that the good ol’ boys club of the past was free of Trump’s virulent misogyny. But dig through McCain’s public statements and you will find that there are plenty of sexist ones. Give Trump this: he wastes little time on sentimentality. He believes in nothing and nobody. Trump is the natural next step for a society that is morally bankrupt and relies purely on inauthentic jingoistic kitsch to justify its ridiculousness.
Juri von Bonsdorff i Hbl 3.12.2017: "Det är frestande att utropa historiska skeenden precis när man tycker att man genomlever dem. I fallet Flynn kan det mycket väl hända att vi erfarit en brytningspunkt som markerar början på slutet för president Donald Trump. Men sanningen är den att vi inte vet den slutgiltiga betydelsen av åtalet mot Michael Flynn och hans erkännande av skuld. Men vi vet en del och vi kan dra vissa slutsatser."
CNN 9 Oct, 2017.
Washington (CNN)Sen. Bob Corker, who engaged in a public feud with President Donald Trump over the weekend, said Trump is setting the country "on the path to World War III."
Trump is a President who is acting "like he's doing 'The Apprentice' or something," the Tennessee Republican said in an interview with The New York Times that was published Sunday night.
Annals of Diplomacy
March 6, 2017 Issue
Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War
What lay behind Russia’s interference in the 2016 election—and what lies ahead?
By Evan Osnos, David Remnick, and Joshua Yaffa
In Cyprus news article about Mr.Friedman, who is to be appointed US Ambassador to Israel.
In early December, Obama renewed the presidential waiver, signed by every US president for the past two decades, against moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem for another six months. It effectively means any action by Trump would be delayed until at least June.
John Feffer, "One of Trump’s first acts of revenge against the international community will be to unravel the nuclear deal with Iran. Trump may not rip up the agreement on day one of his term. But he will give the green light to Congress to impose new sanctions. Iran, in turn, will retaliate, and the agreement will be as good as dead. And just as we have just elected our hardline nationalist, Iran will probably oust its reformist leaders in the next elections."