Serhii Plokhy & M E Sarotte. Foreign Affairs. Volume 99, Issue 1, January/February 2020.
"The Budapest Memorandum initially seemed to represent a significant moment of shared triumph and unity between Washington and Moscow. As U.S. President Bill Clinton advised Yeltsin, they were jointly engaged in a worthy cause: “We have the first chance ever since the rise of the nation state to have the entire continent of Europe live in peace.” Clinton rightly emphasized that Ukraine was the “linchpin” [grundbulten] of that effort." Jfr Sarotte. Not an Inch, s 241
In der Nacht zu Donnerstag greift die Ukraine eine wichtige Radaranlage auf russischem Boden an. Nicht nur in Russland ist die Empörung groß. Doch ein US-Sicherheitsexperte wittert strategisches Kalkül - und eine Botschaft an die US-Regierung.
Iltalehti ti 28.5. klo 22.49. Iskut Venäjän ydinohjusten ennakkovaroitusjärjestelmään ovat uusi käänne Ukrainan sodassa, ja niiden seuraukset voivat olla kauaskantoisia.
Torstaina 23.5. Ukraina iski Armavirin kaupungissa Krasnodarin alueella sijaitsevaan tutka-asemaan. Heti perään maanantaina se iski tutka-asemaan Orskin kaupungissa Orenburgin alueella.
Huhtikuun puolivälissä Ukraina yritti iskeä Kontainer-järjestelmään Mordvan alueella.
Popular resistance , March 24, 2024
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity
SUBJECT: On The Brink Of Nuclear War
Ola Tunander har gitt tillatelse til å publisere hans bidrag til tidsskriftet Vardøger 40 23. Artikkelen er sårt tiltrengt folkeopplysning. Her dokumenteres opptakten til Ukraina-krigen og hva den egentlig handler om. Den angir også et mulig scenario for hvordan krigen kan eskalere til en atomkrig.
March 3, 2023
Nuclear Armageddon Games in Ukraine
by Joshua Frank
och inte bara i Ukraina utan också i t ex Taiwan, Saudiarabien osv. Riskerna med Kärnkrkraftverk och kärnavfall i perioder av krig och konflikter. J. Frank är Counterpunch-sajtens redaktör.
Feb 27, -22 The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) strongly condemns Putin’s order to put Russian nuclear weapons forces on high alert. This is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible, especially during a time of war and high tension.
Gamma girl Elena Filatova. Motorbike. "Pluto's Realm" is photo essay of the dead zones around Chernobyl where the world's most devastating nuclear accident happened suddenly on April 26, 1986. This graphic statement offers undeniable testimony against th
By Zoltán Dujisin, CHERNOBYL, Apr 30, 2011 (IPS) "The sarcophagous is welcome, but officials who say that this will solve the problem are not telling the truth: It will remain dangerous as long as there are 185 tons of nuclear fuel in it, fuel that is not
Washington (13.4.2010) — The Obama administration praised the Ukrainian government’s decision to get rid of its supply of highly enriched uranium (HEU) by 2012, coming as 46 nations gather in Washington for a two-day summit aimed at securing nuclear material from terrorists and non-state organizations.
The Kremlin has shown little interest, in particular, in redeploying or eliminating its estimated 2,000 tactical nuclear arms with ranges that can reach European soil. By contrast, the United States fields approximately one-tenth of that size non-strategic atomic arsenal in a handful of allied nations in Europe, instead relying more on NATO's superior conventional capacity for defense." Russia military occupation of Crimea and subsequent annexation of the territory over the loud protests of Kiev has disturbed NATO to a degree not seen since the Cold War. The events of the past few weeks have triggered a significant rethink of the role of the Western alliance in deterring Russian military activity in Eastern and Central Europe."