Per Wirt´en: "De kulturpolitiska stödsystem, som länge fungerat väl, är nu så urholkade att de förvandlas från reell ekonomisk trygghet till symbolisk uppmuntran. Samma sak sker med arvoden. Bonniers försöker i nya kontrakt pressa författare till mycket l
In a landmark decision, Britain ’s trade unions have voted overwhelmingly to commit to build a mass boycott movement, disinvestment and sanctions on Israel for a negotiated settlement based on justice for Palestinians. The motion was passed at the 2009 TU
Jan Wiklund: "I USA följdes krisen av 30-talets mest militanta arbetarmobilisering. Dussintals storindustrier ockuperades av strejkande arbetare vilket tvingade regeringen att svara på något vis, vilket blev till the New Deal."
Crocodyl is a project to build a database of corporate profiles by using a global network of researchers, journalists and nonprofit organization members with experience researching corporations in specific industries and issue areas.
Monday, 08 August 2016 00:00 By Dean Baker, Truthout | Op-Ed
Uber, along with Lyft, stopped operating in Austin in early May after the city's voters endorsed a requirement that drivers for these services had to be fingerprinted and undergo background checks. The companies complained that the requirement placed an onerous burden on them and instead said that they would just stop operating in the city.
As a practical matter, the real issue almost certainly was not the difficulty of fingerprinting. After all, taxi companies across the country have complied with similar requirements for decades and it is unlikely that the management of these old-styled cab companies are much more competent than Uber's management.
Rather, the issue was likely that Uber is worried about its drivers being labeled as employees. Uber claims that its drivers are independent contractors, not employees. As independent contractors, Uber is not responsible for paying Social Security taxes, nor is it liable for workers' compensation for drivers who get hurt in traffic accidents. It also doesn't have to withhold income taxes. And, independent contractors don't have the right to unionize.
Aufruf des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB) zum Antikriegstag 2020 Seit 1957 wird am 1. September mit dem Antikriegstag an die Schrecken des Ersten und Zweiten Weltkriegs sowie an die schrecklichen Folgen von Krieg, Gewalt und Faschismus erinnert. Der DGB-Aufruf zum Antikriegstag 2020 steht unter dem Motto: "Nie wieder Krieg! In die Zukunft investieren statt aufrüsten!"
”Det är inte bara ett krig med vapen som pågår utan också ett informationskrig”, säger Susan Flocken, europachef för lärarnas fackliga världsorganisation.
Susan Flocken, till hälften brittisk och hälften tysk, arbetar på European Trade Union Committee for Education i Bryssel. Organisationen representerar över elva miljoner lärare och övrig skolpersonal i 51 länder.
Susan Flocken konstaterar att ETUCE redan före invasionen i Ukraina vädjade om dialog och en fredlig lösning på konflikten.
"Un nuovo patto sociale", questo lo slogan. Il 17 novembre avrà inizio a Melbourne, in Australia, il quinto congresso mondiale della Confederazione sindacale internazionale, Ituc–Csi, l’organizzazione sindacale mondiale più grande, che raggruppa 332 organizzazioni sindacali affiliate, in 163 paesi, con un’affiliazione totale di 200 milioni di lavoratrici e lavoratori.
“Il sindacato, insieme alle lavoratrici e ai lavoratori, è mobilitato per costruire la pace. La Cgil è contro la guerra perché la guerra è sempre orrore, morte, distruzione, perdita dei diritti, anche quell
Klassekampen, artikel om nyliberal reformpolitik i UKraina. Zelenskyjs regjering svekker arbeidsrettighetene i Ukraina, mener venstreprofil Vitaliy Dudin.
Elon Musk is attempting to expand Tesla into Sweden and circumvent its unions — but Swedish labor has a long history of taking on big US firms. If they can bring Tesla to heel, it will mark a major victory for organized labor across the globe.
Grazie all’impegno di confederazione, categorie, territori e cittadini stoccati nel porto ligure due container di cibo e farmaci diretti nella Striscia