Itsenä olemisen tärkeyttä korostava kampanja on jo ehditty teilata ennen varsinaista aloitusta. Siihen liittyy feministikirjailija Chimamanda Ngozi Adichien teos, jonka ajatuksia esimerkiksi PS-nuoret eivät allekirjoita.
Julie Bindel, Guardian 25 feb 2011: "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding [the T V series] was about Gypsies and Travellers, but there was criticism from both communities that C4 failed to properly distinguish between the two. There are around 300,000 Gypsy Roma and Irish Travellers in the UK – Roma Gypsies are originally from northern India, whereas Travellers are of Irish origin – and both groups are nomadic. Since 2002, Travellers have been recognised as an ethnic group and are protected under the Race Relations Act. Last week C4 was accused by the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain of fuelling "hatred and suspicion" of their way of life and have demanded a right of reply. "
Antti-Pekka Pietilä (A.-P.). 9.3.2010. "Tämä on tositarina suomalaisesta arjesta: Isä tuo itkevän pikkupoikansa päiväkodin johtajan puheille. ”Poikani kunniaa on loukattu hänen sukunsa edessä”, isä sanoo. Poika on kertonut isälleen päiväkodin arjesta. ”P
"his sexual hang-ups caused him to carry monstrously sexist views" - kolumnisten Connellan, som bl a hävdar , att G godkände hedersmord, citerades av Sven Strandén i Radio Vega 11.2.
Gamma girl Elena Filatova. Motorbike. "Pluto's Realm" is photo essay of the dead zones around Chernobyl where the world's most devastating nuclear accident happened suddenly on April 26, 1986. This graphic statement offers undeniable testimony against th
RAMALLAH, Oct 5, 2010 (IPS) - Irish Nobel Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire was deported from Israel Tuesday after spending more than a week in detention at Tel Aviv Airport as she attempted to fight the deportation order.
The Independent Experts’ Assessment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women’s Role in Peace-Building (Progress of the World’s Women 2002, Vol. 1) (Assessment, 2002) - Resources - UNIFEM. Elisabeth Rehn, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) was founded in 1986 as the Basic Income European Network. It expanded its scope from European to the Earth in 2004. BIEN organizes Congresses every two years, and publishes a free email NewsFlash every two months and
a review of “The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle Against U.S. Military Posts,” an important collection of articles on United States militarism and imperialism, edited by Catherine Lutz
Under nyårsaftonen 2015 företas planlagda sexuella attacker mot kvinnor samtidigt i ett tiotal städer, främst i Tyskland, men också i Österrike , (...)
C'est leur démocratie, les élections. Mais la démocratie ce ne sont pas juste des élections. Il faut d'abord changer le système, pour qu'il soit plus (...)
Pierre Agostini The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Ferenc Krausz Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching och Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Tyskland
Anne L’Huillier Lunds universitet, Sverige
”för experimentella metoder som genererar attosekundpulser av ljus för studier av elektrondynamik i materia”
Experiment med ljus fångar de kortaste ögonblicken
Debattinlägg, 13.5.2019
Malin Nilsson
generalsekreterare Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för Fred och Frihet
Clara Levin
t.f. generalsekreterare Svenska Läkare mot Kärnvapen
"Under 1940- och 50-talet hade Sverige hemliga planer på att utveckla kärnvapen. Det var oroliga tider och överbefälhavare Nils Swedlund ansåg att Sverige behövde en atombomb.
Debatten blev en historisk kraftmätning i svensk utrikespolitik, där det socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbundet med Inga Thorsson i spetsen spelade en viktig roll.
Tillsammans med kampanjen AMSA manade S-kvinnor regeringen att välja avspänning istället för kärnvapen. De möttes av hård kritik. Inga Thorsson och AMSA anklagades för att vara ogenomtänkta, irrationella och till och med farliga."
Do you feel that women worldwide have a better chance than men of calling attention to these forms of injustice and making some changes for the good of people and the entire living world? Yes, I do. Because I think women have more empathy, typically speaking, than men, and this is demonstrated in everyday life by just looking around us. This is one of the reasons men have kept women away from decision-making in terms of things like war. Because they knew if enough women stood up and said, “I love my son, and I love her son, and I’m not going to watch them kill one another,” then war would end. Women would have that power, if they had a voice. So I think it’s really easy to see that part of the reason women have been kept so powerless for so long is because they are a danger in the eyes of the men who run the world. Women’s input and courage and wisdom, but mostly their empathy, endangers the world that the men of the ruling class have devised.
"Radical Homemakers uncovers a hidden revolution quietly taking hold across the United States. It is the story of pioneering men and women who are redefining feminism and the good life by adhering to simple principles of ecological sustainability, social
Karoline Leach: In the Shadow of the Dreamchild (London: Peter Owen Ltd, 1999): "Purity was exactly what the Victorians wanted to connect with Carroll, and purity was precisely what it (intermittently) suited Dodgson to have associated with himself. His g
La tecnologia consente forme nuove di violenza, come l’undressing: “spogliare” le fotografie mettendole a nudo. Servono regole per far rispettare i diritti
Les islamistes détestent l'école de la République car elle tient à l'universel et, contrairement aux idéologies relativistes venues en particulier des (...)
Halvor Fjermeros
"Reaksjonene har vært forutsigbare. Med en politisk korrekthet av verste sort har mange på venstresida tydd til alle slags strategier for å bortforklare hendelsene, for det meste med generaliseringer: Gjerningspersonenes opphavsland- og region har blitt forsøkt uvesentliggjort, det har blitt påstått at dette ikke handler om etnisitet og religion, men om menns dominans over kvinner, og det har blitt satt spørsmålstegn ved med hvilken moralsk rett overgriperne kan anklages når hvite vestlige menn begår den samme type handlinger. Er det mulig å forestille seg en mer effektiv måte å rydde veien for innvandringsfiendtlige populister som utnytter vanlige folks bekymringer på?
Dette er ikke våre ord, men en forsiktig bearbeiding av det den slovakiske marxisten Slavoj Zizek skreiv etter de tilsvarende britiske hendelsene i artikkelen «Mulitkulturalismens grenser», gjengitt i Le Monde diplomatique oktober 2014. I den engelske byen Rotherham ble 1400 barn brutalt seksuelt utnyttet av pakistanske gjenger i perioden 1997 til 2013. Barn helt ned til elleveårsalderen ble voldtatt, bortført, truet og slått av gjengmedlemmene. Flere granskingsrapporter avslørte groteske forhold som at barn ble dynket i bensin og truet med å bli påtent, truet med pistoler og tvunget til være vitne til brutale voldtekter."
Sonali Kolhatkar is a founding Director of the US-based solidarity organization, Afghan Women's Mission, which raises funds for social and political women-led projects in Afghanistan. She is co-author of the book Bleeding Afghanistan: Washington, Warlords, and the Propaganda of Silence. She is also the host and Executive Producer of Uprising, heard on KPFK Pacifica Radio.