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    "Shoshona (sic!) Zuboff frets that use of this surplus data is potentially destructive to people at personal, familial, and societal levels. And she has a point. De facto monopolies with overwhelming network effects can manipulate people into making unnecessary purchases or poor decisions that benefit large corporations (or governments)." But: "As the age of customer experience takes hold, enterprises must do far more than collect and analyze customer data to enable the improvement of their products, services, and engagements. They must also tap the so-called behavioral surplus." "The CX can be great, for example, when an insurance company tracks a driver. The company may use periodic or real-time summaries (objective or gamified) of vehicle data to reward drivers with reduced rates or other goodies for driving safely and efficiently (e.g., braking slowly, cornering gently, and accelerating evenly). For both the driver and the company, this saves money. The insurer will have fewer claims and reduced churn; the driver pays less for insurance and has fewer accidents. "
    5 years ago by @mikaelbook
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