Vastaan Sanomat (sept-22-) Tässä päivittyvässä artikkelissa seuraamme Nord Stream -sabotaasin jälkipyykkiä ja kaasuvuotoja edeltäneitä tapahtumia aikajanalla.
Looking to explore Ukraine's Oil & Gas sector? Identify opportunities and best prospects suited for your company in this updated Energy Resource Guide.
Fysiikan Nobel-voittaja, fyysikko John F. Clauser on allekirjoittanut maailman ilmastojulistuksen. Hänen mukaansa ilmastotiede on metastasoitunut massiiviseksi shokkijournalistiseksi pseudotieteeksi.
Just when the media seemed to be settling on rogue Ukrainians in a rented yacht being responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, comments by a Danish harbor master have muddied the waters. On the second anniversary of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, the Danish publication Politiken posted comments from John Anker Nielsen,…
Lindelö Kansler Scholtz tvekar. Men vad hjälper det? (Vinjettbild i DN-ledare 12/9) Att vara oberoende liberal borde inte behöva innebära att man är helt bakom flötet. Jag kan endast finna två möjliga förklaringar till att DN:s ledarredaktion skriver som den gör, antingen använder de AI, eller så är de helt bakom flötet. Alla vet men... Alla…
Vi styrs för närvarande av ett gäng krigsfanatiska dårar.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Nicholas Eberstedt (Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute) i Foreign Affairs , 10 October 2024. Citat i svensk översättning: "Avfolkningens tidsålder är nära. Dramatiskt åldrande och en obegränsad minskning av den mänskliga befolkningen - så småningom i global skala - kommer att markera slutet på ett extraordinärt kapitel i mänsklighetens historia och början på ett annat, möjligen inte mindre extraordinärt än det som föregick det. Avfolkningen kommer att förändra mänskligheten på djupet, sannolikt på många sätt som samhällen inte har börjat överväga och kanske ännu inte är i stånd att förstå."
Essay: Gruseliges Vorzeichen einer möglichen Zukunft
Nr. 15 – 14. April 2022
Das aktuelle russische Regime stehe für eine neue Form des Faschismus, schreibt der Moskauer Publizist Ilja Budraitskis. Was ihn von jenem des letzten Jahrhunderts unterscheidet: Er braucht weder Massenbewegungen noch Ideologie.
Von Ilja Budraitskis
“I think the fundamental message is that we are breaking from 30 years of flawed policy,” said a congressional aid familiar with the report.
“One doesn’t need to look far to see that every single president within the first few months of their administration, goes and meets with Putin.”
Julian Borger of the Guardian: "Ultimately, only presidents can make the decision and once it is made, no one has the authority to block it. It is called sole authority, and it is almost certainly the most frightening fact in the world today. It means a handful of men each have the power to end the world in a few minutes, without having to consult anyone.
Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control (LNAC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization open to librarians, library educators, library aides, and paraprofessionals who share a common concern about the risk of nuclear war. The group seeks to pool the professional skills oi its members to reduce the likelihood of a nuclear holocaust. For further information, contact LNAC, 311 E. Glenarm Street, #8, Pasadena, CA 91106.
23 sep. 2024
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen discusses restrictions on Ukraine's use of long-range weapons against Russia, the huge size of Danish firms like Ozempic-maker Novo Nordisk, and why she sees controlled immigration as a priority for Europe. Frederiksen speaks with Bloomberg's Oliver Crook.
Iltalehti Virkkusesta tulee EU:n teknologia- ja turvallisuusasiasioista vastaava komissaari. Komission varapuheenjohtajana Virkkunen koordinoi myös muiden komissaarien töitä. Virkkusen vastuulla ovat teknologia- ja digiasioiden ohella sisäinen turvallisuus, puolustusteollisuus ja oikeusvaltiokysymykset sekä osin innovaatiokysymykset.
Théo Bourgeron, The Jacobin 07.05.2024: "The ascent of far-right movements is a tool that specific parts of the business world use to realign the balance of power between business sectors to their own advantage. In the case of the Rassemblement National, it is clear that the party seeks — and secures — support from certain groups of business owners. "
" The Rassemblement National has developed a project for the sector called “sovereign tech.” Many French tech entrepreneurs find this proposal appealing as they struggle with American big tech giants and seek to gain market share in France and Europe, especially in cloud computing and social networks. For example, the Rassemblement National manifesto proposes forcing foreign firms in strategic tech sectors operating in France to sell parts of their businesses to French or European competitors and would require US social networks to implement moderation strategies defined by French lawmakers for French content."
Vuoden 2020 sotaa on kutsuttu maailman ensimmäiseksi droonisodaksi, koska miehittämättömillä lennokeilla oli merkittävä – joidenkin mielestä jopa ratkaisevan tärkeä osuus – Azerbaidzanin sotilaallisessa voitossa. Sodassa Turkki tuki läheisintä liittolaistaan. Droonit olivat pääosin turkkilaista alkuperää.
Background: Stengel, Richard (2019). Information Wars: How we Lost the Battle Against Disinformation and What to Do About It. Grove Atlantic. ISBN 9780802147998.
Over the past five years, we, the undersigned, members of civil society organizations, have been actively defending Ukraine’s sovereignty and national |
18.9.: L’idea dell’estrema destra ostacola i percorsi scolastici di educazione sessuale, affettiva, rispetto delle differenze. E reprime le carriere alias
Victoria Nuland played a significant role in the U.S. foreign policy, particularly concerning Russia, Ukraine, and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Nuland participated in negotiations between Russia and NATO in the '90s, as well as in talks between Russia and Ukraine in 2016 and 2022. She recently left the State Department, so now she can share a lot of new insights.
Mary Kaldor reagerar 2009 på före detta politikers (Nunn, Perry, Schmidt, Walesa...) pläderinngar ang. vapenkontroll:
"Problemet med förslagen om vapenkontroll är att de behandlar kärnvapen som om de vore en del av staternas normala vapenarsenal - de naturaliserar kärnvapen. Ändå kan vi inte ta oss upp till bergets topp [nd summit] utan att ändra dessa grundläggande antaganden och utan att ompröva konsekvenserna av att inneha kärnvapen i dagens globaliserade värld.
"If we are to reach the summit, we need to put forward proposals that reframe the issue of nuclear weapons as a humanitarian issue and that require courage and leadership on the part of politicians if they are to support them."
Glenn Diesen citerar : "Former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen optimistically announced that NATO expansion in Scandinavia would enable NATO to block Russia’s access to the Baltic Sea in a conflict: “After the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, the Baltic Sea will now be a NATO sea… if we wish, we can block all entry and exit to Russia through St. Petersburg”.[2]
[2] Lrt, ‘Putin's plan includes Baltics, says former NATO chief’, Lrt, 19 July 2022. (The Lithuanian public broadcaster, Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT), is the media group that is owned by the public.)
This week on Talk World Radio we’re talking about the war in Sudan. Our guest is Omia Mustafa who goes by Zeirra on social media. She is a 21-year-old with an international relations degree. You can find her at:
The Associated Press reports that many of the recruits drafted under Ukraine’s new conscription law lack the motivation and military indoctrination required to actually aim their weapons and fire at Russian soldiers. #WorldBEYONDWar