Chapter 4. Imperative Programming Until now, most of the programs we’ve written have been pure, meaning that they never changed state. Whenever a function does something other than just … - Selection from Programming F# 3.0, 2nd Edition [Book]
Hello, I’m quite new to Haxe, and I think I’ve covered most of the Haxe programming language itself. (I think, haven’t touched macros though, scary stuff) I’m planning on making a game for android. My plan is to make…
For some reason, in 2018 i bookmarked it as a Mercurial thing. -- A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks. - GitHub - airblade/vim-gitgutter: A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks.
For me, this month marks the end of an era in my life: as of February 2018, I am no longer employed writing Haskell. It’s been a fascinating two years, and while I am excitedly looking forward to what I’ll be doing next, it’s likely I will continue to wri...
Learn about the Application Settings feature of Windows Forms, for example how to create and store settings data on behalf of your application and your users.
Libraries and test apps are often written in C/C++ for testing hardware and software features on Windows*. When these same features are added to an Android* platform, rewriting these libraries and tests in Java* is a large task. If the code to be ported is written in ANSI C/C++ and doesn’t have any OS-specific dependencies, it can be rebuilt using the Android NDK build tools and run from the command line in a shell in much the same way you can run command-line apps from the command prompt in Windows. This article shows how to write a simple “Hello World” application and run it on an Android device using a remote shell.
Go to Settings -> Filters and Blocked Addresses -> Create a new filter. In the Has the words field, add and choose what you want to do with such filtered emails. This solution worked for my setup.
This is a demo NixOS config, with optional flakes support. Along with notes on why flakes is useful and worth adopting. - GitHub - colemickens/nixos-flake-example: This is a demo NixOS config, with optional flakes support. Along with notes on why flakes is useful and worth adopting.