Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0. Millions of development hours worth of code and over 1,600 patents are being contributed to the open source community.
(because old games never die), uses SDL to emulate a 386, an S3/Trio video even Tandy, a Sound Blaster Pro, the PC speaker, Tandy 3-sound, CMS/GameBlaster, Disney Sound Source, and MIDI under DOS
an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the use of free and open source software by developing and promoting standards. (IBM, HP, INTEL+)
"locks down" an operating system, proactively configuring the system for increased security and decreasing its susceptibility to compromise. Bastille can also assess a system's current state of hardening, granularly reporting on each of the security setti
a fast, scalable and memory-efficient allocator for multiprocessors. Hoard solves the heap contention problem caused when multiple threads call dynamic memory allocation functions like malloc() and free() (or new and delete).
index of information and documentation of interest to those who now use or are considering using the Linux operating system on a notebook or laptop computer.
CD or floppy boot/rescue/backup/maintenance system. It has support for a lot of filesystem types (Reiserfs, Reiser4, ext2/3, iso9660, UDF, XFS, JFS, UFS, HPFS, HFS, MINIX, MS DOS, NTFS, and VFAT) and contains a bunch of utilities for system recovery.