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    Seven Missouri private colleges and six from Kansas have failed a U.S. Department of Education test of their financial responsibility during the 2014-2015 academic year. The Chronicle of Higher Education this week released analyzed data that found 177 degree-granting colleges across the country failed the test, 18 more than had failed the previous year. Most of those failing were nonprofits. Only 65 of the failing schools were for-profit institutions. Among them was Wright Career College, a for-profit private school that was based in Overland Park and closed in April 2016 after going bankrupt. The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that in determining whether an institution passes or fails, the Education Department considers an institution’s debt and assets, among other factors. Scores given range from negative-1 to 3, and any score below 1.5 is considered failing. These schools are subject to cash monitoring and other federally imposed requirements. A school could raise concerns about its financial responsibility and end up on the monitoring list for late financial statements, outstanding liabilities and accreditation issues. The scores are made public by the federal Education Department as some broad indication of the financial health of thousands of two- and four-year schools. The idea is to give tuition-paying students and parents a better look at what their money is buying and how it’s being used. “The department’s methodology in devising the scores has drawn sharp criticism in the past from some higher-education groups,” the Chronicle of Higher Education reported. Among the schools in Missouri listed with a failing score for the 2014-2015 academic year is Westminster College in Fulton with a score of 1.1. But school officials said the college has subsequently improved performance and the reported score “does not reflect our college’s current financial conditions,” said Lana Poole, college spokeswoman. Poole said Westminster’s composite score for financial responsibility would increase to 2.7 fo
    7 лет назад , @prophe

    Cardinal not wanted after his role in handling sex abuse allegations Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York since 2009, will speak at the University of St. Thomas' May commencement ceremony despite student calls for the university to reconsider. Students say they are concerned about Dolan's role in handling sexual abuse allegations when he was archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the early 2000s. A petition calling for the private Montrose university to cancel the speech brought more than 100 signaturesin the last several days, and four students Thursday afternoon distributed leaflets from the heart of campus with photos of Dolan's face, media coverage of allegations against him and a link to an online petition. "Send it to everyone you know," said Victoria Villarreal, a senior studying communications, as she passed a flier to a woman. "I did," she responded. University President Robert Ivany said Thursday morning that he does not believe the criticism reflects general opinion on the 3,300-student campus. The university's governing board of directors selected Dolan to speak two years ago in a unanimous decision, he said. The university announced last week that he would speak at commencement. Before assuming his current role in New York, Dolan served as archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009. Under his leadership, abusive priests were paid up to $20,000 for agreeing to be removed from the clergy. "Was it a payoff, was it a settlement, was it an impetus - I wouldn't say that, nor would I say it was a normal practice, but it was done," he said in a 2012 deposition about the payments. The payments, he said, were to help accused priests transition out of their positions and get medical insurance. Ordained as a priest in 1976, Dolan has served in Missouri, Washington, D.C., and Rome. He had a prominent role in President Donald Trump's inauguration, leading the nation in prayer from the Capitol moments before Trump took office. He was appoint
    7 лет назад , @prophe
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