"To add CSS or JS that should be present on all pages, modules should not implement this hook, but declare these files in their .info file."
CSS files can be added to a .info file using the following format:
This presentation is a top level overview of how to work with JavaScript in drupal. This includes drupal specific techniques, integration between the front end
Chapter 1. Drupal Overview - CHAPTER 1 Drupal Overview This book will show you how to build many different types of websites using the Drupal web publishing platform. Whether you're promoting your rock band or...
Images, JavaScript, and Flash files that PHP sends to the browser are not affected by the GPL because they are data. However, Drupal's JavaScript, including the copy of jQuery that is included with Drupal, is itself under the GPL as well, so any Javascript that interacts with Drupal's JavaScript in the browser must also be under the GPL or a GPL compatible license.