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A map of Westeros and the rest of the known world in Game of Thrones and the Song of Ice & Fire novels. Mark how much of the TV show or novels you've seen to prevent seeing any spoilers. See the path of major characters over time.
Die Redaktion Hörspiel und Medienkunst lud 17 zeitgenössische deutschsprachige Autorinnen und Autoren ein, ein Bild von Deutschland und der Welt in rund 90 Jahren zu entwerfen.
L. Johannsen, S. Ramm, Y. Reckleben, и S. Doerfel. Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, том 344 из Lecture Notes in Informatics, стр. 107-118. (2024)
M. Ferrari Dacrema, P. Cremonesi, и D. Jannach. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, стр. 101–109. New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, (2019)
M. Ribeiro, S. Singh, и C. Guestrin. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM, (августа 2016)Available at
N. Dehouche, и A. Wongkitrungrueng. Proceedings of ANZMAC 2018: The 20th Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. Adelaide (Australia), стр. 3--5 December. (2018)