trendalicious is a near real-time view of website popularity trends as reflected by the social bookmarking service. All URLs that have been posted by a minimum of two people in the past sixty minutes are displayed, ranked by the total number o
Kristin Reilly features her product videos at this site. Digital Trends (formerly Designtechnica) helps people make the most of the "hi-tech lifestyle" by providing sneak peeks, one-of-a-kind reviews, editorials and news about trend-setting consumer techn
We believe that Google’s acquisition of Trendalyzer will speed up the achievement of this noble goal. Trendalyzer’s developers have left Gapminder to join Google in Mountain View, where Google intends to improve and scale up Trendalyzer
maps of webs major apps and how they're related: sharing, tools, tech, knowhow, moneymaking, news, social news, community and design ... main sites, insiders, movies, music, china, politics, and more
trendalicious is a real-time ranking of the 100 most popular web pages as reflected by, digg, and reddit. URLs posted to those sites are collected and ranked by their total number of votes or links.
Google labs showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time. Your feedback can help us improve them. Please play with these prototypes and send your comments directly to the Googlers who developed them.