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    ETDE World Energy Base or ETDEWEB is our Internet tool for disseminating the energy research and technology information that we collect and exchange. It also includes a federated searching option for one-stop searching of related science sites. Users in member countries and many developing countries have access privileges to ETDE's information. Some known user benefits include: * Staying abreast of recent developments in various research areas (including some basic sciences) * Avoiding duplication of research effort and learning from expected and unexpected results * Jump-starting research at a point further along than anticipated * Identifying which countries and people are involved in particular research areas * Promoting international cooperation in energy research and development * Understanding how countries deal with energy-related environmental and climate change issues * Finding approaches to energy use, including policy and economic factors, alternative and renewable energy sources, and conservation aspects * Finding a historical perspective on energy issues In addition to the energy research and technology information from ETDE member countries, the database contains citations published worldwide regarding nuclear, coal, and global climate change information. This broader coverage comes as a result of cooperation with other international partners. The database also contains information collected by the U.S. Department of Energy since 1974.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) ist eine der umfassendsten, frei zugänglichen bibliografischen Datenbanken einzelner wissenschaftlicher elektronischer Zeitschriften. Die EZB weist mehr als 46.500 Titel zu allen Fachgebieten nach.
    14 years ago by @thorade
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