For an upcoming documentary by Benedikt Bjarnason, RhNav - Rhizome Navigation was used to create animated visualizations of large genealogy data sets...
Das nächste BarCamp steht an, und zwar in Kärnten. Mal sehen, ob ich es im Februar in südliche Gefilde schaffe. Abgesehen von der Weiterentwicklung bzgl. RhNav hätte ich auch sonst einige Neuigkeiten in punkto Wikis auf Lager. Vielleicht werde ich ber
p2pfoundation has an interesting post about the importance of time as a dimension in social networking technology. My concept of RhNav - RhizomeNavigation includes some of these thoughts...
The video shows a prototype application of RhNav - Rhizome Navigation in action: A graphical navigation interface incorporating realtime website traffic and user behavior analysis.
The video is a screencast of RhNav - Rhizome Navigation visualizing the Blogosphere as a 3D graph using the technorati API. is used as a starting point.