der kollege aus der bürogemeinschaft macht spannende sachen. zum beispiel eine visualisierung der sozialen netzwerke in “lord of the rings: return of the king” auf grundlage des drehbuchs. das ist wirklich spannend, und meines erachtens auch sehr nü
This tool visualizes the sourcecode of Mozilla 1.7. It displays metrics like lines of code, number of functions, etc. The code can be explored in 3D-space using a 3-button mouse with scroll wheel. text gives you a random textual scattering of a user's tags, sized according to the number of times that they've used each of them, and leaves you to draw your own insights from the overlapping entrails.
For an upcoming documentary by Benedikt Bjarnason, RhNav - Rhizome Navigation was used to create animated visualizations of large genealogy data sets...