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    (WWB) is a Wicket component toolkit for displaying and editing JavaBeans. Web pages are automatically generated based on bean properties and conventions. If necessary, the layout, editability, and actions of these pages can be customized. At the highest-level, WWB's BeanForm component provides rich AJAX form functionality. The form is embedded in a Page designed by you. This allows you to create customized page designs and multiple BeanForms to be incorporated on a single page.Other lower-level components may be used independently of BeanForm (e.g., BeanGridPanel). BeanForm makes it very convenient to implement a bean-based form if you don't want to go to a lot of extra work. You focus on the model (beans), Fields within a form are dynamically sent back to the server-side bean as they are changed, which eliminates the typical form submit cycle. This makes WWB act more like a rich client application and less like a standard forms-based application.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    How would you build a real database driven application using ZK? This article introduces the "ZkFoodToGo" example application that demonstrates one approach. "Food To Go" is a fictional fast food ordering system described by Chris Richardson in his book POJOs In Action. The book makes extensive use of Spring, JUnit and mock objects to demonstrate three alternative ORM frameworks: Hibernate, JDO and iBatis. It comprises of mock object JUnit tests demonstrating POJO design patterns and ORM best practices. The book does not supply a user interface nor a complete set of application Use Cases. To create a small but complete web application some simple methods were added to the persistence code to support the screens. ZkFoodToGo uses a POJO domain model, event driven MVC, Spring (IoV pattern), a POJO Facade (with an AOP transaction manager) and Hibernate. The application architecture is well documented both on the ZK wiki and within the book
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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