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    E-travel is comprehensive framework for delivering personalized travel services using agent infrastructure based on our works in agent-related fields: Multimodal Communication Between Users and Software Agents and Modelling User on the Basis of Interactions with a WWW Based System. The system utilizes many existing up-to-day technologies related to the term of Semantic Web: JADE agent platform together with Jena semantic framework for processing ontology demarcated data. For easy and type safe access to ontology Jastor (Java beans generator from Web Ontologies (OWL)) has been used. Raccoon server provides a way to transform ontological data into browser-readable forms. Our solution addresses set of the following problems: * Connecting synchronous HTTP protocol with asynchronous nature of software agents. * Web browser and mobile interface providing natural access to the multi-agent system. * Separation of data and view thanks to: Model-View-Controller architecture, ontologies and Raccoon server for transforming data into view. * Content personalization basen on user modelling, including: stereotyping, user profile learning and exploitation.
    15 years ago by @gresch

    Glassbox is a troubleshooting agent for Java applications that automatically diagnoses common problems. Because Glassbox’s troubleshooting knowledge is built in, anyone can isolate a failing connection or a slow-running query instantly. You don’t need to analyze log files or graphs. Just one click, and Glassbox tells you in plain English what broke.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    The idea is to design simple computers, similar in complexity to vintage homecomputers. These computers are never built, but simulated on a PC. A standard PC will typically be able to run dozens or hundreds of these virtual machines at once. This is where the magic begins: The microcomputers are equipped with communication devices, allowing them to connect and talk to each other. The goal is to see useful structures grow spontaneously, like crystals. By keeping the microcomputer architecture very simple, the emulation software can also be kept small and simple. This allows for rigorous verification. The benefits of completing this process are tremendous: If the emulation software is correct, untrusted code can be run without worry as emulated code can never escape out of the emulator. Other important benefits of the emulation approach include the ability to suspend, resume, clone, inspect or modify running programs at any time. Programs can also be easily sent through the network. The prototype is a Java-based software currently under development. It is already able to run simple programs. The computer design currently supported is called MVM (Minimal Virtual Machine). MVM's processor knows only a single instruction, subleq (subtract and branch if less or equal). In previous work, the instruction usually has only one addressing mode (mem/mem); for practical purposes, I added a second addressing mode (const/mem). The MVM processor has no registers or flags. MVM supports virtual devices that are mapped into its linear address space. Typical devices include an arithmetic unit, a system clock and a virtual video chip.
    16 years ago by @gresch
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