
More than 200 states up to 4.1 MeV excitation have been populated in 168Er with the 170Er(p,t) reaction at 25 MeV incident energy. About 80 of these states, with 0+ and 2+ assignments, were reported in a previous publication D. Bucurescu et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, 064309 (2006). The present work considerably enriches the knowledge of this nucleus. A multistep coupled-channels analysis of the angular distributions is now presented for all the states observed in this experiment. Spin and parity values between 0+ and 7− are newly assigned for more than 100 states. For the states already reported in the ENSDF database with Jπ values there is a good agreement with our values. The 168Er nucleus remains one of the best experimentally known nuclei for states with low and medium spins below 4 MeV excitation energy, representing a challenge for future microscopic structure model calculations aiming to disentangle the contributions of different excitation degrees of freedom.



  • @ikpcologne

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