

The Interaction Design Foundation, Aarhus, Denmark, (2013)


Phenomenology begins as a rigorous and systematic study of consciousness in the work of Edmund Husserl at the start of the 20th century. Phenomenological research has direct relevance to design since the artifacts, tools, and technologies that we make affect the way that we experience our surroundings, and this is what phenomenology studies. Emphasizing the important role that embodiment plays in perception and cognition, it investigates, among other things, affective, aesthetic, and action-oriented experience as it is informed by environmental factors and by actual and potential bodily movement. Phenomenology explores the ways that our physical and social environments, including the things and instruments in such environments matter for experience, cognition, problem solving, and for shaping our intersubjective and social interactions.



  • @yish
  • @oldsmooc

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