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Dive Into Python 3. Apress, 2 edition, (Jan 31, 2012)Dive Into HTML5. Online, (2011)Parsing RSS At All Costs., (January 2003)Greasemonkey Hacks. O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, California, (November 2005)Durchstarten mit HTML5. O'Reilly, Köln, (2011)Dive Into Accessibility: 30 days to a more accessible web site. web, pdf, html, zip, (2002)Python 3 - Intensivkurs. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2010)Dive into Python. Apress, Berkeley, Calif., (2004)Identifying Atom., (August 2004)What is RSS?., (December 2002)