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Akademik Ivan Aralica. J.P., Zagreb, (2020)On some qualitative properties for solutions of a certain two-dimensional fractional differential systems., and . Comput. Math. Appl., 59 (3): 1294-1299 (2010)More precise estimates for the Jensen operator inequality obtained via the Lah-Ribarič inequality., , and . Appl. Math. Comput., (2014)General Euler-Ostrowski formulae and applications to quadratures., , and . Appl. Math. Comput., 177 (1): 92-98 (2006)New cyclic Jensen type bounds via weighted HH inequalities and Montgomery identity with application to information inequalities., , , and . J. Comput. Appl. Math., (2025)Inequalities for differentiable mappings with application to special means and quadrature formulæ., and . Appl. Math. Lett., 13 (2): 51-55 (2000)Superadditivity of the Levinson functional and applications., , and . Period. Math. Hung., 71 (2): 166-178 (2015)On strengthened Hardy and Pólya-Knopp's inequalities., , and . J. Approx. Theory, 125 (1): 74-84 (2003)Ostrowski type inequalities for functions whose higher order derivatives have a single point of non-differentiability., , and . Appl. Math. Comput., (2014)Generalization of Bullen-Simpson's 3/8 inequality., , and . Math. Comput. Model., 41 (4-5): 463-483 (2005)