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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

The M2-competition: A real-time judgmentally based forecasting study, , , , , , und . International Journal of Forecasting, 9 (1): 5--22 (April 1993)The analysis of time series: an introduction. CRC Press, Florida, US, 6th Edition, (2004)Statistics for technology: a course in applied statistics. Chapman & Hall, London, (1983)The future of the time-series forecasting. International Journal of Forecasting, 4 (3): 411--419 (1988)Prediction intervals for multiplicative Holt-Winters, und . International Journal of Forecasting, 7 (1): 31--37 (Mai 1991)Prediction intervals for the Holt-Winters forecasting procedure, und . International Journal of Forecasting, 6 (1): 127--137 (1990)The analysis of time series. Texts in statistical science Chapman & Hall, London u.a., 5. ed Edition, (1996)Exploratory data analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 23 (1): 5 - 13 (1986)