PlayReal is a massive multiplayer online and offline game (MMOOG). The first of its kind, and with just as unique a goal. To help create solutions for a sustainable planet.
How? By helping young gamers think in that direction while using their typical digital skills. And then translate that to the outside world. By doing so on a global scale we aim for the new generations to come up with new solutions. Both online and offline.
Der SyncMaster 245B überzeugt nicht nur äußerlich durch sein schwarzes Design mit höhenverstellbarem Fuß, sondern auch mit seinen inneren Werten: Das 24" TN Panel bietet dank einer Auflösung von 1920x1200 Pixeln genügend Platz für Ideen. Der hohe
S. Rahman, and M. Pipattanasomporn. In Proc. 2002 3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, Greece, November 2002, (2002)