The ASCILITE Learning Analytics Special Interest Group (LA-SIG) aims to develop awareness and resources about Learning Analytics (LA) and its application to learning and teaching. We focus on facilitating networks and sharing practices among the LA community across Australia and New Zealand.
The Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPS) are ICT systems leveraging the emerging "network effect" by combining open online social media, distributed knowledge creation and data from real environments (Internet of Things), in order to create new forms of social innovation.
They are expected to support environmentally aware, grassroots processes and practices to share knowledge, to achieve changes in lifestyle, production and consumption patterns, and to set up more participatory democratic processes.
We have developed a wiki-based platform , called the WikiDesignPlatform (WDP), which couples (as required) additional components (e.g. email, instant messenger, CVS repository) with the traditional wiki and automatically produces detailed transcripts of all the online activity by the users, far richer that the average "recent changes" history provided by most wikis.