One of the most popular social bookmarking sites is It has a minimalist appearance that understates that it is a power tool in generating traffic, visibility, and incoming links to your sites.
MyNewsletterBuilder has created a suite of services designed to support healing arts practitioners. Send professional emails, create montages & streaming audio/video...
Songpull: a gathering in homes, garages, barns, small venues; participants take turns "pulling" the guitar (or drum?) from one another, and one by one, all perform their songs for the group...Can say, "songs written in within 30 days," etc.
...One simple way to do that is to de-emphasize the phone interview, and take quotes straight off the blogs of experts in the area you're reporting on. (by David Winer)
"Well, I've been buying Google search terms for about two years now, but the price keeps going up. I have a feeling that my competitors are clicking on my link just to drive my costs up." Gary parked the van to let me out, and dove straight for his Blac
This checklist will cover the basics of what you need to do during those all-important first two weeks of your blog’s life. While there are no guarantees in the blogosphere, if you follow these launching tips closely, your chances of success are greatly
As a first step toward marketing yourself better, take some time soon to write out the DNA of your brand. What can others -- your customers, employer, and colleagues -- depend on you for? OK, so what makes you different? What is your attitude? Have you co
If I were trying to invent a mythic brand, I'd want to be sure that there was a story, not just a product or a pile of facts. That story would promise (and deliver) an heroic outcome. And there needs to be growth and mystery...
Hyperlinking is the foundation of the web. As users add new content, and new sites, it is bound in to the structure of the web by other users discovering the content and linking to it. Much as synapses form in the brain, with associations becoming stronge