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    A Taxonomy of meta-programming systems. In a meta-programming system meta-programs manipulate object-programs. Meta-programs may construct object-programs, combine object-program fragments into larger object-programs, observe the structure and other properties of object-programs, and execute object-programs to obtain their values. There are two important kind of meta-programming scenarios: program generators, and program analyses. Each has a number of distinguishing characteristics 1. Generator 1. Representation: Strings vs. Algebraic datatype vs. Quasi-quote 2. Automatic vs. Manual annotation 3. Static vs. Runtime Generator 4. Homo vs. Heterogeneous 5. Typed vs. un-Typed 1. Statically vs. Dynamically Typed 6. 2-stage vs. N-stage 2. Analysis 1. Homo vs. Heterogeneous 2. HOAS vs. First Order Syntax 3. Typed vs. un-Typed
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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