At Thinkmill, monorepos have proven to be a very useful model for organising our projects. We’ve written some articles and resources to help you explore this space.
I have been using git for a while, and I took the time to learn about it in great detail. Equipped with an understanding of its internals and a comfortable familiarity with tools like git rebase — and a personal, intrinsic desire to strive for minimal and lightweight solutions — I have organically developed a workflow which is, admittedly, somewhat unorthodox.
A polyfill of the JavaScript standard library, which supports: The latest ECMAScript standard; ECMAScript standard library proposals; Some WHATWG / W3C standards (cross-platform or closely related ECMAScript).
Let me start with this — this is by all means not a comparison of what should be your next choice for Front-End. It’s a small, relatively unsophisticated, comparison of three things: Performance, Size, and Lines of Code of pretty similar application.
Nix is a tool that helps people create reproducible builds. This means that given a known input, you can get the same output on other machines. Let’s build and deploy a small Rust service with Nix.
[I]nstead of focusing on one or two concepts, I'll try to go through as many Rust snippets as I can, and explain what the keywords and symbols they contain mean.