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    I'm interested in developing mathematical models of higher level cognition, and understanding the formal principles that underlie our ability to solve the computational problems we face in everyday life. My current focus is on inductive problems, such as predicting the future, learning causal relationships, acquiring and using language, and inferring the structure of categories. I try to analyze these aspects of human cognition by comparing human behavior to optimal or "rational" solutions to the underlying computational problems. For inductive problems, this usually means exploring how ideas from artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistics (particularly Bayesian statistics) connect to human cognition. Some specific questions and representative publications appear on my departmental webpage. These interests sometimes lead me into other areas of research: I have recently been exploring some ideas in nonparametric Bayesian statistics and formal models of cultural evolution.
    17 years ago by @tmalsburg

    I study the computational basis of human learning and inference. Through a combination of mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and behavioral experiments, I try to uncover the logic behind our everyday inductive leaps: constructing perceptual representations, separating "style" and "content" in perception, learning concepts and words, judging similarity or representativeness, inferring causal connections, noticing coincidences, predicting the future. I approach these topics with a range of empirical methods -- primarily, behavioral testing of adults, children, and machines -- and formal tools -- drawn chiefly from Bayesian statistics and probability theory, but also from geometry, graph theory, and linear algebra. My work is driven by the complementary goals of trying to achieve a better understanding of human learning in computational terms and trying to build computational systems that come closer to the capacities of human learners.
    17 years ago by @tmalsburg
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