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    , , and . IJIRIS:: International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, Volume VI (Issue V): 108-116 (July 2019)1. UNAIDS. (2018). The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Retrieved August 2018, from 2. Kimberly, G. (2015). HIV service delivery models towards `zero AIDS related deaths. BMC Health service research.15(2) 12-15 3. Johnson, K. (2013). integration of HIV and family planning Health services in Sub-saharan Africa, DHS Analytical studies no. 30 Calverton, Maryland, USA. 4. Mutemwa, R. (2016). Perception and Experiences of Integrated Service Delivery Among Women Living with HIV Attending Reproductive Health Services in Kenya: A Mixed Methods Study. AIDS and behaviour, 20(9), 2130-40. 5. Bergh, A. (2015). Clinician Perceptions and Patient Experiences of ART Teatment and primary health care integration in ART clinics. AOSIS open journa, 38(1),1489l. 6. Sima, Belachew, & Abebe. (2017). Knowledge, Attitude and Perceived Stigma towards Tuberculosis among Pastoralists. Plos one, 12(7), 18-32 7. Pathmanathan, Munyaradzi, Sherri, Dokubo, Preko, Mazibuko, et al. (2017). High Uptake of Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV-positive TB Patients Receiving co-located Services in Swaziland. plos one, 13(5). 196-831 8. Buh, W., Peter, N., & Atashili, J. (2016). Clients satisfaction with HIV treatment services in Bamenda, Cameroon. BMchC Health services Resear, 16(1), 280. 9. Kikuvi, J. (2014). Are integrated HIV services less stigmatizing than stand alone models of care? A comparative case study from Swaziland. International Aids Society. 10. Kioko, J. (2015). Are integrated HIV services less stigmatizing than stand alone models of care? A comparative case study from Swaziland. Journal Of International Aids Society, 16(1), 9-12. 11. National AIDS Control Council,NACC. (2016). Kenya HIV County Profiles. Nairobi: Ministry Of Health 12. Odeny. T, K. J. (2013). Intergration of HIV Core with Primary Health Care services:Effects of patient satisfaction and stigma in Rural Kenya. AIDS Resersch and Treatment, 20(2), 4-8..
    5 years ago by @ijiris
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