
Interstellar Gas Heating by Primordial Black Holes

, , , , , и .
(2021)cite arxiv:2105.06099Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures.


Interstellar gas heating is a powerful cosmology-independent observable for exploring the parameter space of primordial black holes (PBHs) formed in the early Universe that could constitute part of the dark matter (DM). We provide a detailed analysis of the various aspects for this observable, such as PBH emission mechanisms. Using observational data from the Leo T dwarf galaxy, we constrain the PBH abundance over a broad mass-range, $M_PBH \sim O(1) M_ødot-10^7 M_ødot$, relevant for the recently detected gravitational wave signals from intermediate-mass BHs. We also consider PBH gas heating of systems with bulk relative velocity with respect to the DM, such as Galactic clouds.


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  • @gpkulkarni

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