
Logsonomy -- A Search Engine Folksonomy

, , , и . Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2008), стр. 192--193. Menlo Park, CA, USA, AAAI Press, (2008)


In social bookmarking systems users describe bookmarks by keywords called tags. The structure behind these social systems, called folksonomies, can be viewed as a tripartite hypergraph of user, tag and resource nodes. This underlying network shows specific structural properties that explain its growth and the possibility of serendipitous exploration. Search engines filter the vast information of the web. Queries describe a user’s information need. In response to the displayed results of the search engine, users click on the links of the result page as they expect the answer to be of relevance. The clickdata can be represented as a folksonomy in which queries are descriptions of clicked URLs. This poster analyzes the topological characteristics of the resulting tripartite hypergraph of queries, users and bookmarks of two query logs and compares it two a snapshot of the folksonomy del.icio.us.

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