Measurement of the dipole and electric quadrupole strength distributions
up to 10 MeV in the doubly magic nuclei Ca-40 and Ca-48 (vol 85, pg 274,
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%0 Journal Article
%1 ISI:000168861800071
%A Hartmann, T
%A Enders, J
%A Mohr, P
%A Vogt, K
%A Volz, S
%A Zilges, A
%D 2001
%J Physical Review Letters
%K imported myown zilges
%N 21
%P 4981
%R 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.4981
%T Measurement of the dipole and electric quadrupole strength distributions
up to 10 MeV in the doubly magic nuclei Ca-40 and Ca-48 (vol 85, pg 274,
%V 86
added-at = {2019-11-20T10:09:48.000+0100},
author = {Hartmann, T and Enders, J and Mohr, P and Vogt, K and Volz, S and Zilges, A},
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timestamp = {2019-11-20T10:09:48.000+0100},
title = {Measurement of the dipole and electric quadrupole strength distributions
up to 10 MeV in the doubly magic nuclei Ca-40 and Ca-48 (vol 85, pg 274,
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volume = 86,
year = 2001