
Abstract This is the second part of a large survey paper in which we analyze recent literature on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and some closely related disciplines using FCA. We collected 1072 papers published between 2003 and 2011 mentioning terms related to Formal Concept Analysis in the title, abstract and keywords. We developed a knowledge browsing environment to support our literature analysis process. We use the visualization capabilities of \FCA\ to explore the literature, to discover and conceptually represent the main research topics in the \FCA\ community. In this second part, we zoom in on and give an extensive overview of the papers published between 2003 and 2011 which applied FCA-based methods for knowledge discovery and ontology engineering in various application domains. These domains include software mining, web analytics, medicine, biology and chemistry data.


Formal concept analysis in knowledge processing: A survey on applications

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  • @ngocngoc
  • @sdo
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