
Anthropological Agenda in Mathematics Education

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4 (6): 1206-1212 (September 2020)


The context of this qualitative research paper was the reflection of anxiety of the author still not practicing ethno mathematical ideas and not humanizing mathematics by mathematics teachers in the classroom especially in boarding schools of Butwal. This research paper was based on reviewing three literatures Vygotskian socio culturalism, Freires educational theories and Devkotas article on Ethno mathematics and Multiculturalism . The reflection of boarding schools Principal, a neighboring child of boarding school, perception of a migrated student, a mathematics teacher of boarding school, a guardian of boarding school and mine experience in an interview with mathematics teacher were the subjects of expressions in this article. On the basis of three literature review and the reflections of the participants, this research revealed that the mathematics teachers of boarding schools, view mathematics through positivistic paradigm and uni dimensional lens, follow Euro centric pedagogy, use various hegemonic practices of de contextualized mathematics in class which cause the students emancipation voice from respective sides. Lila Bahadur K C Änthropological Agenda in Mathematics Education" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: Paper Url:



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