
Density Based Traffic Lightcontrol System using Raspberry Pi

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3 (3): 1281-1285 (апреля 2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd23293


In present days, vehicular traffic is increasing throughout the world, especially in urban areas. As the number of road user's increase constantly a smart traffic control will become a very important issue in the future. Congestion in traffic is becoming a serious issue. Many vehicles are waiting at the signal for a long time due to this the time consumption is more for the human and there is a lot of problem for the people who go to their work and some to the business works. In existing system the traffic control is not according to the density, and is not reducing the effect of traffic in urban areas. The traffic signals are prepared previously fixed for some time only after that time the signal will be changed to another signal. This makes the other side roads delay for long time. In some places traffic lights did not work properly. In the proposed system by using the image processing along with the raspberry pi, the vehicle count is measured and accordingly the traffic will be reduced. Emergency vehicles like ambulance and fire are easily allowed from the traffic by using the RF transmitter and receiver. Ambulance like vehicles send the signal to the receiver and make the green signal to glow on that road. This makes the safety of the people in the ambulance and this will be applicable to fire vehicles also. IR sensors are used to avoid the crossings of the road when the red light is on. Traffic updates are monitored with help of density based traffic control system. The hardware components used in the project are raspberry pi and modules like camera, IR sensor, RF transmitter and receiver and actuator. These modules are interfaced to raspberry pi to control the traffic and maintain the output to be accurate. Software implementation is done by image processing technique back ground subtraction method. The programming language used for implementing is python language. By using this software and hardware components the implementation is done by using VNC viewer application. The program is previously dumped in the application and the module will run according to the program. Y. Himanth | B. V. Pavan Kumar | M. Lalitha Bhavani "Density Based Traffic Lightcontrol System using Raspberry Pi" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23293.pdf


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