
Neutrino flavor mixing breaks isotropy in the early universe

, , and . (2020)cite arxiv:2012.03948Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures.


The neutrino field is commonly assumed to be isotropic and homogeneous in the early universe. However, due to the large neutrino density, a small perturbation of the isotropy of the neutrino field could potentially be amplified by the non-linear flavor mixing caused by neutrino self-interactions. We carry out the first numerical simulations of the neutrino flavor evolution in a multi-angle anisotropic setting. Due to the computational challenges involved, we adopt a simplified framework consisting of a homogeneous universe with two angle bins -- left and right moving modes -- for neutrinos and antineutrinos, together with an approximate form for the collision term which goes beyond the commonly adopted damping approximation. By assuming a small initial left-right asymmetry of $O(10^-15)$, we convincingly demonstrate that flavor evolution can be affected in both mass orderings, with implications on the effective number of thermally excited neutrino species ($N_eff$). Notably, the correction to $N_eff$ is comparable to higher order corrections from finite temperature QED effects in normal ordering. In addition, by assuming an initial lepton asymmetry in the neutrino sector of the same order as the baryon one $O(10^-9)$, we find that the neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry grows leading to a spontaneous $CP$ symmetry breaking. This work clearly shows that it is imperative to critically revisit standard assumptions concerning neutrino flavor mixing in the early universe, especially in the light of possible implications on the cosmological observables.


Neutrino flavor mixing breaks isotropy in the early universe

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