
Important Aspects of Innovative Formation of Students' Civic Activity in the Higher Education System

. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4 (11): 77-81 (November 2023)


In the system of higher education, the formation of innovative civic activity of students determines their views on the perception of objective reality. The problem of preparing a teacher for innovative activities can be described as a system that includes several interrelated and functional components, subordinate to specific tasks. The innovative preparation of the future teacher is his theoretical, practical and psychological and physiological level of assimilation of the whole essence of pedagogical innovation in the context of lifelong education. As a result of the pedagogical system, such training contributes to ensuring the integrity of theory and practice, fosters a conscious attitude to learning and the development of creative activity, helps students to form common knowledge and skills in certain disciplines and general activities. It is important that innovations, the introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies, the creation of the necessary legal mechanisms are considered as priorities.

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