
Adverse Global Health Impacts Due to the Proliferation of Man-Made Technological Heatwaves

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Resources and Environment, 12 (3): 67-75 (августа 2022)There is no doubt about this innovation, which is extraordinary in the globe..
DOI: 10.5923/j.re.20221203.01


This is a higher scientific study. There is no doubt that after its release, there will be many changes in global climate adaptation with new concepts of mitigation and wellness through satellite sensor technology. Through this research, advanced climate mitigation alternative technologies will make unprecedented progress in opening a new horizon in the world. The study was conducted among specific room, land surface, tree, cat, dog and individuals with dimensional categories through wireless sensor tracking due to active open eyes, self-voice and a specific GPS location. Studies have illustrated the misuse of advanced satellite technology with surface sensor, specific GPS location, and existing objects affect suddenly heatstroke at the fluctuated atmospheric satellite coordinates. The study shows the unexpected heatwaves are due to misuse of advanced satellite sensor to affect on global health. These results reflect the importance of protecting global health that the State provides. For climate adaptation and sustainable life for all, everyone's satellite sensor technical knowledge is essential, but such knowledge was insufficient. The study is a very timely scientific research- it will benefit those around the world who are climatologists. There is no doubt about this innovation, which is unique in the globe. Moreover, cyber criminals can create suspicion among others through artificial intelligence on false natural heatwaves. So, everyone should be aware of this research positively.


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  • @drmrmiah

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