
Autopilot: Enabling easy Benchmarking of Workload Energy Efficiency

, , , , , and . Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2017), New York, NY, USA, ACM, (April 2017)<b>Best Demo Award</b>.


Benchmarking of energy efficiency is important as it helps researchers, customers, and developers to evaluate and compare the energy efficiency of software and hardware solutions. Developing and deploying energy-efficiency benchmarking workloads are challenging tasks, as work must be able to be executed in a power measurement environment using an energy-efficiency measurement methodology. The existing SPEC Chauffeur Worklet Development Kit (WDK) enables the development and use of custom workloads (called worklets) within a standardized power measurement methodology. However, it features no integration in development environments, making building and deployment of workloads challenging. We address this challenge by proposing Autopilot, a plugin for the Eclipse IDE. Autopilot enables fast and easy building and deployment of a workload under development on a system for testing. It also enables benchmark execution directly from the development environment.

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