
Constraints on the production and escape of ionizing radiation from the emission-line spectra of metal-poor star-forming galaxies

, , , , , , , и .
(2019)cite arxiv:1909.07386Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS.


We explore the production and escape of ionizing photons in young galaxies by investigating the ultraviolet and optical emission-line properties of models of ionization-bounded and density-bounded HII regions, active-galactic-nucleus (AGN) narrow-line regions and radiative shocks computed all using the same physically-consistent description of element abundances and depletion on to dust grains down to very low metallicities. We compare these models with a reference sample of metal-poor star-forming galaxies and Lyman-continuum (LyC) leakers at various redshifts, which allows the simultaneous exploration of more spectral diagnostics than typically available at once for individual subsamples. We confirm that current single- and binary-star population synthesis models do not produce hard-enough radiation to account for the high-ionization emission of the most metal-poor galaxies. Introducing either an AGN or radiative-shock component brings models into agreement with observations. A published model including X-ray binaries is an attractive alternative to reproduce the observed rise in HeII4686/Hbeta ratio with decreasing oxygen abundance in metal-poor star-forming galaxies, but not the high observed HeII4686/Hbeta ratios of galaxies with large EW(Hbeta). A source of harder ionizing radiation appears to be required in these extreme objects, such as an AGN or radiative-shock component, perhaps linked to an initial-mass-function bias toward massive stars at low metallicity. This would also account for the surprisingly high OI/OIII ratios of confirmed LyC leakers relative to ionization-bounded models. We find no simple by-eye diagnostic of the nature of ionizing sources and the escape of LyC photon, which require proper simultaneous fits of several lines to be discriminated against.


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