
INTRODUCTION: Mental retardation (MR) constitutes a clinical and social relevant condition accounting for 3\% of the pediatric population. Studies focusing the repercussion of MR on nutritional status are scarce and, in occasions, have produced contradictory results. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the nutritional status of mentally retarded children in our Region, on the basis of skeletal maturation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Our sample comprise 128 mentally retarded children (81 boys and 47 girls) aged 0 17 years. In all children a nutritional and social family environment questionnaires and a valuation of a series of nutritional and anthropometric variables were performed. Additionally, bone age was assessed by means of left hand wrist radiograph in a subset of 53 children. A factorial analysis was carried out by means of the statistical package SPSS allowing the obtaining of 2 anthropometric factors and 3 biochemical factors that condensed the most information content. Results of the bone maturation were correlated with age, sex, presence of cerebral palsy (CP), severity of mental retardation, results of nutritional and sociofamilial questionnaire, antiepileptic treatment and nutritional status (anthropometric and biochemical factors). RESULTS: Although a good correlation exists between bone age and chronological age, 50\% of mentally retarded children presented delay in their skeletal maturation. The bone maturation was higher in the boys than in the girls. The presence of CP induced an increase of 12\% in the delay of the skeletal maturation. The severity of MR induced differences in the bone age. Both quality of diet and score of anthropometric factor I inversely correlated with bone maturation delay. Parent s age and geographical precedence but not antiepileptic therapy affected the bone maturation. CONCLUSIONS: Delay in the bone maturation occurs with high prevalence among mentally retarded children. The presence of CP, severity of MR, quality of the diet and sociofamilial and nutritional factors influenced in an outstanding way in the bone maturation.

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