
The aim of study was to find the historical values of Buddhism in Myanmar from the Myanmar Literature. Myanmar Literature is the Pa i Literature origin as a ground. The event of the life of the Gotama Buddha scattered in the Pa i Literature. Venerable Saddhammabhila kara Depeiyin Sayadaw composed as a chronical literature of the Buddha as a complete set of the chronicle of the Buddha in prose. It is the Tathagata Udana Dipani in 1772 A.D B.E 2316 M.E 1134 early Kong baung period. The title implies "the explanatory work on the chronicle of the Gotama Buddha." It is the first and complete work of its kind in Myanmar Literature. The chronicle in question is written on more than 300 topics in prose. This paper is mainly explored the historical values of Buddhism in Myanmar with reference to this chronicle due to the impact of Pa i Literature on Myanmar Literature by the flourishing of Buddhism. Dr. Tin Tin Nwe Ä Complete Set of the Chronicle of the Buddha in Myanmar" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd) ISSN: 2456-6470 Volume-3 | Issue-5 August 2019 URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd27949.pdfPaper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/other/27949/a-complete-set-of-the-chronicle-of-the-buddha-in-myanmar/dr-tin-tin-nwe

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