
Language Use of Ojandetun Village Community, Wulanggitang District, East Flores Regency

Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4 (4): 19-28 (августа 2023)


This study focuses on the use of language by the people of Ojandetun Village, who are culturally closer to the Sikka ethnic group in Sikka Regency. At the same time, administratively it is included in the distribution area of the Lamaholot ethnic group in East Flores Regency. Ojandetun Village's position in cultural borders and government administration boundaries is assumed to display a distinctive character in terms of culture, especially in terms of language use. The study results show that the people of Ojandetun Village are more dominant in using the Sikka Krowin language in the family and customary domains. In the realm of religion, government, education, and the neighborhood realm, the Sikka Krowin-Indonesian mixed language is used. Meanwhile, in the realm of transactions in traditional markets, the Ojandetun people predominantly use Indonesian. The choice of language does not reflect a negative attitude towards a particular language, so there is little possibility of a reduction in the function of the Sikka Krowin language, which is the first language or mother tongue of the Ojandetun village community.


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  • @centralasian_20

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