Luminosities of many powerful blazars are strongly dominated by \$\gamma\$-rays
which most likely result from Comptonization of radiation produced outside a
jet. This observation sets certain constraints on composition and energetics of
the jet as well as the surrounding quasar environment. We study the dependence
of a Compton dominance on a jet magnetization (the magnetic-to-matter energy
flux) and on the location of the 'blazar zone'. Calculations are performed for
two geometries of broad-emission-line and hot-dust regions: spherical and
planar. The jet magnetization corresponding to the large observed Compton
dominance is found to be \$0.1 (þeta\_j \Gamma)^2\$ for spherical
geometries and \$0.01 (þeta\_j \Gamma)^2\$ for planar geometries,
where \$þeta\_j\$ is the jet half-opening angle and \$\Gamma\$ is the jet
Lorentz factor. This implies that jets in luminous blazars are matter dominated
and that this domination is particularly strong for the flattened geometry of
external radiation sources.