We give a brief summary of the derivations of the Evans-Searles
Fluctuation Theorems (FTs) and the NonEquilibrium Free Energy Theorems
(Crooks and Jarzynski). The discussion is given for time reversible
Newtonian dynamics. We emphasize the role played by thermostatting. We
also highlight the common themes inherent in the Fluctuation and Free
Energy Theorems. We discuss a number of simple consequences of the
Fluctuation Theorems including the Second Law Inequality, the Kawasaki
Identity and the fact that the dissipation function which is the
subject of the FT, is a nonlinear generalization of the spontaneous
entropy production, that is so central to linear irreversible
thermodyanamics. Lastly we give a brief update on the latest
experimental tests of the FTs (both steady state and transient) and
the NonEquilibrium Free Energy Theorem, using optical tweezer
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