
On the Behavior of a Capillary Surface in a Wedge

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 63 (2): 292--299 (июня 1969)


Estimates above and below are obtained for the height of the equilibrium free surface of a liquid when the liquid partially fills a cylindrical container whose cross section contains a corner with interior angle 2α. The surface is characterized by the condition that its mean curvature be proportional to its height above a reference plane (or, in the case of zero gravity, that the mean curvature be constant), and by the requirement that it meet the container wall with prescribed contact angle γ. It turns out that the qualitative behavior of such a surface near the vertex changes markedly, according as α + γ < ½π, or α + γ ≥ ½π. In the former case, the surface is either unbounded or fails to exist, while in the latter case every such surface is bounded. Some experimental comparisons are indicated, and an application to the problem of describing the mechanism of water rise in trees is discussed. The above results describe a limiting case among corresponding properties that hold for surfaces defined over domains with smooth boundaries. This extension is indicated, as well as a formal extension to -dimensional surfaces; here the interest centers on the fact that it is the mean curvature of an (-1)-dimensional boundary element that controls the local behavior of the -dimensional solution surface.


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