
TOC 1 - Boolean Retrieval 2 - The term vocabulary and posting lists 3 - Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval 4 - Index construction 5 - Index compression 6 - Scoring, term weighting and the vector space model 7 - Computing scores in a complete search system 8 - Evaluation in information retrieval 9 - Relevance feedback and query expansion 10 - XML retrieval 11 - Probabilistic information retrieval 12 - Language models for information retrieval 13 - Text classification and Naive Bayes 14 - Vector space classification 15 - Support vector machines and machine learning on documents 16 - Flat clustering 17 - Hierarchical clustering 18 - Matrix decompositions and latent semantic indexing 19 - Web search basics 20 - Web crawling and indexes 21 - Link analysis

Линки и ресурсы

