
Automated Extraction of Architecture-Level Performance Models of Distributed Component-Based Systems

, , and . 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Oread, Lawrence, Kansas, (November 2011)Acceptance Rate (Full Paper): 14.7\% (37/252).


Modern service-oriented enterprise systems have increasingly complex and dynamic loosely-coupled architectures that often exhibit poor performance and resource efficiency and have high operating costs. This is due to the inability to predict at run-time the effect of dynamic changes in the system environment and adapt the system configuration accordingly. Architecture-level performance models provide a powerful tool for performance prediction, however, current approaches to modeling the execution context of software components are not suitable for use at run-time. In this paper, we analyze the typical online performance prediction scenarios and propose a novel performance meta-model for expressing and resolving parameter and context dependencies, specifically designed for use in online scenarios. We motivate and validate our approach in the context of a realistic and representative online performance prediction scenario based on the SPECjEnterprise2010 standard benchmark.

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