
Modelling the Population Dynamics and the File Availability in a BitTorrent-Like P2P System with Decreasing Peer Arrival Rate

, and . Self-Organizing Systems, volume 4124 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2006)
DOI: 10.1007/11822035_5


Many measurement studies of P2P file sharing systems suggest that the request rate for a file changes over time and the system is thus non-stationary. For this reason we study the population dynamics and the availability of a file in a BitTorrent-like file sharing system, when the arrival rate for file requests decreases exponentially. We study the system first by a deterministic fluid model and then by a more detailed Markov chain analysis that allows estimating the life time of a single chunk exactly. Simple approximation for the life time is also derived. In addition, we simulate the life time of a file consisting multiple chunks in order to verify the analytical results to be applicable also to a more complex system.


Modelling the Population Dynamics and the File Availability in a BitTorrent-Like P2P System with Decreasing Peer Arrival Rate - Springer

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  • @chesteve
  • @avail_map_stud
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