
Genetic Algorithm-Based Energy-Efficient Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks

International journal of ultra wideband communications and systems : IJUWBCS, 2 (3): 133-140 (Dezember 2012)
DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2012.051042


The development of Genetic Algorithm (GA) to improve the performance of LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) is presented in this paper. In the proposed protocol initialisation, population, crossover, mutation and fitness functions are calculated. In this proposed protocol, GA facilitates the process of selecting the optimal cluster head. We employ that a set of the cluster head is a chromosome. As time evolves,these chromosomes are given different chances to reproduce according to their fitness. In the reproduction one chromosome will probably mutate, or two chromosomes can crossover. After many generations one expects the optimum chromosomes or solutions that will emerge from the population. Simulation results show that the proposed genetic-algorithm-based protocol effectively produces optimal energy consumption for the wireless sensor networks, and resulting in an extension of lifetime for the network.



  • @vaibhav77

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